PhaseCheck – EC C Flaw Detector

Dual Frequency High Performance Eddy Current Flaw Detector with C-Scan Capability.

Supports X/Y and R/Theta manual scanners with an easy scan calibration. Flexible encoder configuration will permitmany scanner mechanisms to be interfaced.

PhaseCheck can be used with all reflection, bridge and absolute probes from all manufacturers and uses industry standard 12-Way Lemo and Co-axial Lemo 00 connectors, reducing the need to use adapters.

  • Dual Frequency
  • C-Scan capability
  • Rotary Drive As Standard
  • Industry Standard Probe Connectors
  • Large, Crisp Daylight Readable Display
  • User Friendly Interface
  • Up To 10 Hours Battery Life With A Pencil Probe And 7 Hours With A Rotary Drive

75 in stock

Spesification detail:

Operating modesEddy Current ModesAs AeroCheck+ Eddy Current, Single Frequency
Eddy Current Dual Frequency
Eddy Current Rotating Probe
Conductivity with Thickness
DisplayModesX/Y Impedance Plane (Flying Spot)
Timebase Scan
C-ScanResolutionMax size 1 million data points
Scaling.1-999.9 Ticks/mm
Typical Scan120 by 100 mm at 0.1mm resolution
Data  SavedData stored as XY Pairs for 2 Channels. Data presentation X, Y, R or thet on CH1, Ch2 or Mix.
EncoderInput6 Pin Lemo1B  Connector. 2 phase 2 axis on  way Lemo; =X/Y or R Theta .
Count rate Max100kHz
Data StorageMax FilesAs per AC+
C-SCanMax no of C-Scan Data Files 1,000
GeneralPower8 hrs Battery Life and as per AeroCheck+
PhysicalAs Per AeroCheck+
SaveInspection data to SD Card*
ExportOf inspection report